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For the prospective collaborators

Dr. Melikian and his team are open to limitless opportunities of collaboration in dental field. We are constantly striving to create successful solutions and empowering initiatives. Our team is always open to new visions and fresh ideas. 

Collaborations include but not limited to clinical trials, scientific work, academic research, educational workshops, commercial manufacturing, investments opportunities, IT, and technologies.

Our team is multi-lingual. We are able to accomondate international interest and  form global teams.

Let's work!

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unprecedented filling / denture service life


atraumatic principle of treatment


25 years of technology clinical trials


For dentists, current and future


It is natural that doctors want to be the best care providers for their patients.  Formal training and genuine care are fundamental. For the best results, however, every health care provider needs to be constantly developing as a professional. 

The innovations of Dr. Melikian and his team were born from a constant need for improvement and genuine care for the patients. In parallel with creation of scientific and clinical breakthroughs, our technology became an inexhaustible source of education. 

We believe that knowledge is important. With our educational programs, we raise a new type of dentists: the ones who are excited to become the best professionals they can possibly be, the ones who are brave to be the first in their field, and the ones who are determined to provide the best care possible to their patients.

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unprecedented filling / denture service life


atraumatic principle of treatment


25 years of technology clinical trials


For investors and manufacturers

The innivations developed by Dr. Melikian and his team, besides clinical treatments, includes groudbreaking technology, dental devices and materials, and education opportunities. 

Long standing clinical and scientific work with the consistent results allow us to be certain in successful outcome of the future collaborations. 

Armstom USA has a wide variety of patented dental devices, instruments, and materials ready for commercial manufacturing. All devices have been proven during clinical and scientific trials, in laboratories and hospitals. These devices deliver never-seen-before results and facilitate long-term benefits for the patients' health. 

Besides manufacture and distribution, Armstom USA offers licensing opportunities for the methods developed in parallel with the aforementioned devices and instruments. Combined with the device use, the methods fortify the ground-breaking outcomes. 

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unprecedented filling / denture service life


atraumatic principle of treatment


25 years of technology clinical trials


for patients

When it comes to dental treatments, exceptional is our standard. With more than 20,000 images of clinical work, Reinforcing Dentistry by Dr. Melikian and his team has a proven record of helping hundreds of patients all over the world. We take pride in the fact that our industry-breaking technology restores and grants full functioning to the teeth conventionally considered "untreatable." 

The uniqueness of this atraumatic technology lies in its preservation of the hard tooth tissues, pulp, and periodontium (PDL) which allows each of our clinical case treatments to be fully customized and, thus, prevent future drawbacks and complications. And this is a key to long-lasting outstanding results. 

At the present moment, this technology is the only one in the world that allows the delivery of the most secure and successful outcomes. We are champions in the field of oral health and patients' wellness. 

You will not be able to get that smile off your face!

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unprecedented filling / denture service life


atraumatic principle of treatment


25 years of technology clinical trials



Reinforcement - (from the Latin armo - arm, strengthen) reinforcement of a material or structure with elements made of another more durable material (for example, a metal mesh or wire).

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Mechanical activation

Mechanoactivation, in a broad sense, should be understood as any acceleration of technological processes leadi ng to an increase in the quality of a product through mechanical influences.

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